Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Wonderful Week- end in St Rémy and les Baux de Provence


My host family invited me to pass a week-end with them in the Provence, its was a great week-end. Béa ( my host mom)took her time to show around and taught me about the history of St. Rémy. For those of you who love art, a lot of Vincent Van Gogh tableaux are of St. Rémy, also the hospital where he stayed is in St. Rémy.

Les Beaux de Provence, another beautiful town full of history. If any one plans to come to France you most visit both places.
Take your time and enjoys the pictures.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Since the last post.....till Nov12th

I know it’s been a while since i post on my page. Sorry.
On october 27- nov 5th i was on vacation... don’t be jealous didn’t do much. I decided to take that time to finish with all my paper nightmares, but that didn’t happen. I had a doctor appointment to get a medical cerficate so i can get my residency card, when i got there the nurse told me they need to reschedule because the X-ray machine is out of film and they didn't know when exatly i could come back.
The week-end before i went back to work my host fam asked me if its ok if Celeste stayed home with me. We had fun relaxing.
Celeste plays the piano so on Saturday night i had a concert at home.
Went back to work on Thursday 6th, and the big subject when i got in the classroom “ tu as voté” and “ pour qui?” ( did you vote and who did you vote for). It was so fun to see how much interest they had in hearing about election (my students are 7-11 years old). And on friday i got sick, bad cold, headache body ache.
On Tuesday 11th, I got up at 7:30am to go hiking (still sick). I know it was going to be a long and hard day; I try really hard to get out of it. We took the bus; it was a 30 minutes ride to get to our destination. It started raining, and no we didn’t back out. By we, myself, Stephanie and 2 of Stephanie friends. We got and kaurel showed us where we were going exactly. I was shocked but couldn’t back out, because the bus left and the next one was coming at 2. During the hike i got hurt... don’t worry i am ok. I am proud to say that i hiked a total of 10 km in 8 hours even though i was sick. The view was great. Oh yes the place that we hiked was Mount st. Eynard. I didn’t get home until 6pm.

That night i paid for it, my cold got worse and my knees where burning like crazy. I feel better now. I will try to be better at posting. Bonne journée
A plus.