Sunday, October 26, 2008

Updates (12th-18th)


After being here for almost a month, i started to miss my friends from home. Its hard to meet French people my age especially when i am not taking classes. My first day in Grenoble i met another assistant and we have been hanging out and do things around Grenoble together. I was getting tired of not hanging out with people my age (don’t get me wrong i like hanging out with people that are older then me). So on Sunday (the 12th) I went to church and my way to church i saw one of my friends from Bethel and she was on her way to the same church. As soon as i enter the door, people can tell i was new. The church is pretty small compare to Woodland Hills. It was so great; the church band sings some of my favorite songs that i know in English in French. After church, couple of the young adults came over and talked to me, and that day i met so many people that i needed to write names down so i can remember everyone. They invited me to go eat lunch with them. You won’t believe where we went... ok you can stop guessing, we went to KFC. I couldn’t believe it, my friend from Bethel asked if they were a KFC when i was here 2 years ago and the answer was no. So we spend most of the afternoon together, they also invited me to join them on Saturdays for the young adult group.
On Tuesday i was invited to le FEU (Foyer Evangélique Universitaire) for a concert. I met more people there. The concert was great, oh yes i listen to Zhbruno
My friend from Bethel was there also

Saturday (18th), my friend Stephanie and i decided to do some tourist stuff. We took le petit train de Grenoble and learned more about Grenoble. It was a 45 minutes ride around town. Enjoy the pictures.

Also the same day i went to see a play with my host family. It was so funny and i couldn’t stop laughing. After the play we went out to eat to a Moroccan restaurant.... the food was great.
The following day after church we decided to hike the Bastille. When i was here in 2006, we took the boules up and hiked down. This time we hike up and down. I kept telling Stephanie that I couldn’t do it, she wouldn’t take no for an answer so I DID IT. Let me tell you it was hard. But when I got up there the view was amazing. Now we decided to hike to the Bastille twice a week.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

First week at work

Monday was my first day at work, i did my first three hours at "Ecole Pasteur", where I'll teach on Thursday afternoons. I am assisting two teachers there. After a two hour lunch break, I head over to my other school “ Ecole Thevenon”, where I teach Thursday mornings and Friday all day. So far I like the teachers and the students are so cute and nice. One of the little girls said to me “ tu es jolie comme un coeur”, ( you are pretty like a heart). They are so welcoming!! Now I am learning a lot about the French education system. The school system is so different than MN.
I had the opportunity to visit the pre-school, and there i met a little one who look so much like Gabe. They are so cute, a group of them would’nt play they just stay around me and asked me questions. They sang a little song for me and i taught them ‘old McDonald’, i had fun.
I can’t believe i have 2 hrs for lunch and in two weeks i'll have my first break ( 2 weeks off). One of the teachers told me “ in France we work to live, we don’t live for work”, and i have no problem with that life. I love the french way of thinking ... i do.... you never know i might stay longer. ( jk auntie Wendy. Even though i like it here, i miss home. I miss my babies ( Helen, Gabe and Loulou), no one to call me “sheshe” and also i miss calling my mom everyday ( love u mommy).
Bonne journée tout le monde
Gros Bises

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Randonnée ( Vercor)

Believe it or not i went hicking on Sunday with a group of three artists from England and two friends of my host mom. The artists are in Grenoble for a big art expo and one them is staying with us. It was so much fun and i have pictures to prove it, the view was great. Enjoy the pictures

Saturday, October 4, 2008

My Crazy day

Thursday was a crazy day. I had to meet with my supervisor to go over my job description and sign papers. Directions to get there were not clear so between taking the train, wrong streets and the pouring rain I finally made it surprisingly on time to my first meeting.

Then I went to visit both schools and met the teachers, principals and students. They were welcoming and jovial. It will take me 45 minutes by train from Grenoble to reach the first school... not bad at all. The second school is a 20 minute walk from the other school.

I then got all my paper work in order and headed back home. Took 3 hour nap and it felt good. Had a wonderful evening with my host family we played game and tell jokes, so my evening made up for my long and crazy morning.

A bientôt